Website SEO in Kent

Why Doesn’t My Website Look Good on Mobile Devices? A Complete Guide to Fixing Mobile Responsiveness Issues

Why Doesn’t My Website Look Good on Mobile Devices? A Complete Guide to Fixing Mobile Responsiveness Issues


Introduction: The Frustration of a Non-Mobile-Friendly Website


Have you ever opened your website on a mobile device, only to realise that it looks terrible compared to its polished desktop version? If so, you’re not alone. Many website owners face this frustration, especially when they’ve spent countless hours perfecting their desktop site. With over 92% of internet users in the UK now accessing websites through mobile devices, ensuring your site is mobile-friendly is no longer optional—it’s a necessity. A website that isn’t optimised for mobile not only alienates users but also damages your SEO performance, as Google prioritises mobile-first indexing. In this guide, we’ll break down why your site may not look good on mobile and provide actionable steps to fix mobile responsiveness issues.

What Does Mobile Responsiveness Mean?

Mobile responsiveness refers to a website’s ability to adapt its layout, content, and functionality across a variety of screen sizes and devices, from large desktop monitors to smaller smartphone screens. A responsive website automatically resizes and rearranges its elements to ensure a seamless user experience, regardless of the device being used.

Why Is Mobile Responsiveness Important?

Mobile responsiveness is essential for modern websites because of the widespread use of mobile devices for browsing. If your website doesn’t display correctly on mobile, you risk losing potential customers due to poor navigation, unreadable text, and broken layouts. Additionally, Google’s mobile-first indexing means the mobile version of your site is the primary version that Google uses to rank your website. A non-responsive site will likely suffer in search engine rankings.

For instance, if you’re looking to create a mobile-responsive site in the UK, it’s essential to work with experts who understand the local market. You can see examples of mobile-friendly websites at Kent Webs, which specialises in modern website design.

Key Mobile Browsing Statistics

•Over 92% of UK internet users accessed the internet via mobile devices in 2023.

Google reports that 61% of users are unlikely to return to a mobile site they had trouble accessing, and 40% visit a competitor’s site instead.

To improve your mobile design, you may consider hiring a team with experience in Adobe XD website design, such as Kent Webs, which creates visually stunning, responsive layouts.


Why Mobile-Friendliness Affects Your Website’s Success


User Experience and Mobile Bounce Rates

If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, users are likely to abandon it within seconds. This increases your bounce rate—the percentage of visitors who leave your site without interacting with it. High bounce rates signal to search engines that your website may offer a poor user experience, leading to lower rankings in search results.

An easy solution is to opt for website design platforms, like Squarespace or Canva, both of which offer templates specifically designed for mobile compatibility.

SEO and Google’s Mobile-First Indexing

Since 2018, Google has implemented mobile-first indexing, meaning the mobile version of your site is used as the primary basis for how your website ranks in search results. If your mobile site performs poorly or isn’t optimised, your search engine optimisation (SEO) will suffer, pushing your site down the rankings. This directly impacts your visibility and organic traffic.

If you want to ensure strong SEO rankings, experts like Kent Webs offer professional SEO services tailored to improve both desktop and mobile search performance.

Conversion Rates and Business Impact

Websites that don’t look good or function well on mobile devices are less likely to convert visitors into customers. Whether it’s a broken form, unreadable text, or poor navigation, these issues deter users from engaging with your site, leading to lost revenue opportunities. Ensuring mobile responsiveness is critical to keeping users on your site and driving conversions.

If you’re in a specific industry like engineering or plumbing, mobile responsiveness is equally important. Check out the services provided by Kent Webs or website design for plumbers to understand industry-specific solutions.

Common Reasons Why Your Website Doesn’t Look Good on Mobile Devices

To fix mobile responsiveness issues, it’s crucial to first identify the root causes. Below are the most common reasons why a website may perform poorly on mobile:

1. Outdated Website Design

If your website was designed years ago, it may not be equipped with modern features to handle mobile responsiveness. Older themes and frameworks often lack the necessary coding to adapt to various screen sizes. Consider upgrading to a mobile-first theme with providers like Kent Webs, which specialises in designing mobile-responsive sites for both local and international businesses.

2. Improper Use of Media Queries

Media queries are CSS techniques that help websites adjust their layout based on the device’s screen size. When media queries aren’t implemented correctly, your website may look good on desktops but break down on smaller screens.

If you’re having trouble with this, check out the media query optimisation services at Kent Webs, which ensure that your CSS adapts properly across all devices.

3. Non-Responsive Images

Images that are fixed in size can cause layout issues on mobile screens, leading to poor readability and broken designs. Non-responsive images fail to adjust automatically, often appearing too large or distorted on smaller devices.

For optimising images and layouts, look into companies like Kent Webs, which offers Webflow design solutions known for seamless mobile image handling.

4. Overcomplicated Navigation

A desktop-style navigation menu can be overwhelming and confusing for mobile users. Complex drop-downs and multiple menu layers often don’t translate well to mobile, making it difficult for users to find what they’re looking for.

Simplify your navigation with responsive menus, a service offered by Kent Webs to create mobile-friendly cleaner website designs that prioritise ease of use.

5. Unoptimised Fonts and Buttons

Small fonts and tiny buttons are difficult to tap on mobile devices. Users may struggle to read your content or navigate the site, resulting in a frustrating experience.

To fix this, professionals at Kent Webs can help you adjust font sizes and button placements to ensure a more user-friendly experience.

6. Lack of Mobile Testing

Many websites are developed and tested on desktops, but fail to undergo rigorous testing on different mobile devices and browsers. This oversight can lead to inconsistent performance across various mobile platforms.

Test your mobile site across multiple platforms with services like Kent Webs, ensuring your site looks perfect on any device.

7. Slow Loading Times

Page speed is critical on mobile devices. Slow-loading pages frustrate users and cause them to abandon your site. Mobile users expect fast performance, and Google uses page speed as a ranking factor.

If speed is an issue, consider consulting with Kent Webs, which provides website hosting options that are optimised for speed and reliability.


How to Fix Mobile Responsiveness Issues on Your Website


Fixing mobile responsiveness doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are practical steps to ensure your site looks good and functions well across all devices:

1. Choose a Responsive Website Design

Select a responsive theme or template that automatically adjusts to various screen sizes. Platforms like WordPress, Wix, and Shopify offer mobile-friendly themes designed to provide an optimal experience on both desktop and mobile.

You can explore tailored themes for your niche with companies like Kent Webs, which provides responsive design services for various industries.

2. Use Fluid Grids and Flexible Layouts

Implement fluid grids to allow your website elements to resize proportionally based on the screen width. This approach ensures flexibility across different devices, keeping your layout intact regardless of screen size.

For further support, check out the grid layout services provided by Kent Webs, designed to help you adapt your website across all screen sizes.

3. Optimise Images for Mobile

Make sure your images are responsive using CSS techniques like max-width: 100%. You should also consider using WebP image format, which offers superior compression without sacrificing quality, reducing the file size and improving loading times.

Explore image optimisation services with experts like Kent Webs , who specialise in reducing image sizes and improving overall mobile performance for websites.

4. Simplify Navigation

Design a navigation system specifically for mobile users. A hamburger menu or collapsible menu can streamline navigation and make it easier for users to browse your site on smaller screens.

For intuitive navigation solutions, consider Kent Webs, which provides mobile-friendly menu designs that enhance the user experience on smartphones and tablets.

5. Increase Font Size and Button Size

Ensure that fonts are large enough to read on smaller devices, with a recommended minimum of 16px for body text. Likewise, buttons should be large enough for users to tap easily, with a recommended touch target size of 48px by 48px.

If you’re struggling with usability, Kent Webs offers professional services to adjust your font sizes and touch targets, ensuring your mobile site is easy to navigate and visually appealing.

6. Implement Media Queries

Add media queries to your CSS to control how your site’s layout behaves on different screen sizes. For example, you can specify different styles for screens smaller than 768px (mobile) versus screens larger than 1024px (desktop).

Learn how to enhance your site with expert media query implementation through Kent Webs, which ensures your mobile site adapts perfectly to any screen size.

7. Optimise Page Speed for Mobile

Improving page speed is essential for a better mobile experience. This can be achieved by:

Compressing images

Enabling browser caching

Reducing HTTP requests

Minimising CSS and JavaScript files

If speed optimisation sounds overwhelming, companies like Kent Webs specialise in optimising websites to improve page loading times and ensure a seamless mobile experience.

8. Test, Test, and Test Again

Finally, it’s essential to test your website on multiple mobile devices and browsers. Use both physical devices and emulators to ensure consistency and optimal performance.

A great tool for testing across various platforms is Kent Webs, where you can get assistance with testing your website across different devices to guarantee it performs flawlessly on mobile.

Best Practices for Designing Mobile-Friendly Websites

When designing a website that looks and functions well on mobile, consider the following best practices:

Minimalist Design

Adopt a minimalist design approach to reduce clutter and ensure that the essential elements of your site are easy to find and navigate. Kent Webs offers streamlined design services that focus on minimalism, ensuring optimal mobile performance.

Touch-Friendly Navigation

Ensure that your navigation system is touch-friendly with large buttons and simple, intuitive menus. Avoid hover-based interactions, as they don’t work well on mobile.

Simplify the mobile user experience by implementing touch-friendly navigation from experts like Kent Webs, which helps users easily navigate your site.

Prioritise Content for Mobile Users

Place the most important content at the top of the page. Mobile users typically have shorter attention spans and are more likely to leave if they don’t quickly find what they need.

To make sure your content is mobile-optimised, visit Kent Webs, where content-first strategies are implemented to improve mobile engagement.

Avoid Large Pop-Ups

Large pop-ups can block essential content and frustrate mobile users. Instead, use smaller notifications or pop-ups that are easy to close on mobile devices.

For more mobile-friendly alternatives to traditional pop-ups, Kent Webs offers solutions to ensure your site remains user-friendly while providing the necessary calls to action.

Tools to Test and Improve Mobile Responsiveness

Improving your website’s mobile responsiveness involves thorough testing. Here are some tools that can help:

Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test: Google’s own tool to check whether your site meets mobile-friendly standards.

BrowserStack: A cross-device testing platform that allows you to test your website on a variety of real devices.

GTmetrix and PageSpeed Insights: Both tools provide insights into page speed and performance on mobile devices, helping you optimise load times.

Responsinator: Preview how your site looks on different mobile devices to identify areas for improvement.

For in-depth testing, Kent Webs provides comprehensive mobile performance testing to ensure your website looks and works perfectly on any device.

Conclusion: Make Mobile Responsiveness a Priority

In today’s mobile-first world, ensuring your website looks good and functions seamlessly on mobile devices is a business necessity, not a luxury. From improving user experience to boosting your SEO rankings, mobile responsiveness plays a key role in the success of your site. By addressing common issues like outdated design, improper media queries, and slow loading times, you can vastly improve how your site performs on mobile.

If you’re ready to transform your website into a mobile-friendly powerhouse, don’t hesitate to reach out to experts like Kent Webs, who specialise in mobile-responsive website design and development services.


1. What is mobile responsiveness, and why is it important?

Mobile responsiveness is the ability of a website to adjust its layout, images, and functionality across different devices and screen sizes. It ensures users have a smooth browsing experience regardless of whether they are on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone. This is critical as more users access websites through mobile devices, and search engines like Google prioritise mobile-friendly websites in their rankings.

2. How can I check if my website is mobile-friendly?

You can use tools like Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to analyse your website and determine if it meets the criteria for mobile responsiveness. Additionally, services like BrowserStack allow you to test how your website performs across various mobile devices and browsers.

3. Why does my website look fine on desktop but bad on mobile?

This could be due to several factors, such as an outdated website design, non-responsive images, or improper use of CSS media queries. These issues prevent your website from adapting to smaller screen sizes and different orientations, resulting in a poor mobile experience.

4. How can I improve my website’s loading speed on mobile?

Improving your mobile website’s loading speed involves compressing images, minimising CSS and JavaScript files, and enabling browser caching. Tools like GTmetrix and PageSpeed Insights can help identify bottlenecks in your website’s performance and offer solutions to reduce loading times.

5. What are the best practices for designing a mobile-friendly website?

Adopt a minimalist design, ensuring key content is prioritised and easily accessible. Use large, touch-friendly buttons and avoid using pop-ups that interfere with user experience on mobile devices. Always test your site on multiple devices to ensure consistency.


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