Kent Webs

Professional website design services in Kent

Kent Webs offer professional website design and development services in Kent, learn more about our web design services and how we can help you grow your business in Kent through professional website design.

Using Kent Webs to design your businesses website in Kent will be the best decision you’ve ever made, not only do we provide a wide range of bespoke website designs, we ensure your business will rank on the first page of Google for the products and services you provide in Kent, giving you a significant advantage over other businesses in Kent that don’t have a good website design or SEO on their website. If you want better online representation for your business and want to rank on the first page of Google then make the right decision and use our professional website design service to get you there.

There’s no limitations when it comes to the types of designs we can create for your business, Kent is home to thousands of businesses so ensuring you have a website that stands out and can be found online is essential for giving you an advantage over your competitors. It’s not hard to secure a great first page website for your business, all you need is the right website design company, all you need is Kent Webs.

Kent Webs are a group of website design, development and SEO experts living in Kent that want to provide you with the best website design experience, we combine our industry knowledge and understanding with a strong desire to help businesses in Kent grow online, to provide our customers with a highly unique and satisfactory website design service that provides them with a stunning website that can be found by their customers online.

Most people look for things online, having a professional website is the first step to helping your business get found by customers in Kent, Kent is home to so many businesses, many of which already have a website, some of which have a first page website. Ensuring you have a first page website for the services you provide will save you money on Ads and time you’d spend trying to market your business to other customers. Kent Webs don’t just provide quality web design, we provide clients in Kent with first page web design services so that they can be found online and grow their business. Any website design company in Kent can build you a  website but not many can build you a first page website, keeping SEO in mind to help you rank on Google and secure valuable new leads for your business. At Kent Webs, we love what we do and we take pride in seeing how our website design services help businesses succeed online. Use a professional web design company you can trust, use Kent Webs.

The website design services you require often include other website design related services that you didn’t think of such as website development, website security and website SEO, all of these services are required when using a professional website design service. We will discuss each of the different services we offer and what they achieve so you can make an informed decision on if you need these services or not.

Website Design

Kent Webs provide professional website design services, website design is to to with the layout and pages you'll have on your website this will include the wording, pictures, colours, themes and the general look of your website, it's important to have a highly engaging website design if you want to keep customers on your website.

Web Development

Kent Webs offer a unique website development service that allows you to add extra functionality to your website. From contact forms to third party plugins and installing APIs on your website, Kent Webs have a solution for any requirements you may have for your website, having extra functions on your website help it to stand out from the crown and perform better online.

Website Security

Website security has become more important than ever in a world where hackers are constantly trying to steal information for their own greedy purposes. Ensuring your have the correct level of security on your website is essential to help it rank better online and provide users visiting your website with the peace of mind knowing their information is secure.

Website Hosting

Kent Webs provide reliable website hosting that offers customers a secure and robust website hosting solution that enables them to securely host their website without fear of hacking or losing their website files. Use our secure website hosting service today.

Web Management

If you're a busy business owner who doesn't have the time to manage your website on a regular basis you'd benefit from using our professional website management service, our secure website management service ensures your website can be updated quickly.

Website SEO

Website SEO is essential if you want to secure valuable leads in Kent. Using our website SEO service will help you grow your online audience and secure valuable leads for your business, most people search for services online so stay one step ahead with SEO.

Logo Design

Having a professional logo that properly represents your business is essential for your branding and marketing, most businesses today can be identified from their logo, so ensuring your business in Kent has a logo that can be easily recognised is vital for your branding.

Website Audit

Website Audits are perfect if your not sure what you need, Kent Webs provide comprehensive website audits using the best tools available. You can learn about how to improve your websites design and SEO performance using a simple website audit, saving you time and money in the process.

Website Transfer

Many business in Kent require website transfer services when they realise the website design platform they initially chose for their business is not fit for purpose, there's many options available when it comes to website transfers so it's essential you learn more about this service before making the decision.

Frequently Asked Questions

Kent Webs don’t just provide a reliable website design service in Kent, we ensure that every website we design can be found on the first page of Google for products and services they provide. If you need a website that can be found online and help you grow your business then use Kent Webs for your marketing requirements.

The time it takes to complete a website depends on several factors including the number of pages, the websites functions, the website layout and the keywords you need the website to rank for.

Kent Webs is a good website design company as we employ the best SEO practises to ensure your website can be found online by the right customers, as website is only as good as the volume of visitors is receives so ensuring we employ the best SEO practices ensures your website can always be found by the right people.

Local SEO can help you secure valuable local leads for your business to help it grow quickly in your local area. 

The website platform you should use will heavily depend on what your businesses is trying to achieve by having a website, for services we’d always recommend WordPress, for e-commerce we’d recommend using Shopify.

First page websites for businesses in Kent

We do more than just design websites, we create a marketing machine that will help your business get found online by the right customers.

The website design platform you choose will depend on your requirements.

There’s a wide range of different website design platforms you can use to design your website, ensuring you choose a website design platform that is fit for purpose is essential to ensure you work within your budget and your expectations are met. Learn more about the different website design platforms Kent Webs can use to design your website for you.

Some popular website design platforms include WordPress, Wix, Webflow, Squarespace, Shopify, Canva, Figma, Adobe XD and Adobe Dreamweaver. There’s many more platforms and options to choose from when it comes to website design so discussing your options with a professional website design platform will enable you to make an informed decision on the best web design platform for your business. Kent Webs provide customers with a bespoke website design service no matter what website design platform they choose, we’re here to help you each step of the way. The first step to understanding what website design platform you want to use is understanding what functions and layout you want your website to have. Many website design platforms have limited functionality so that would mean they aren’t fit for purpose and cannot be used for your website design project. The second step is deciding what platform you’d like to use out of the remaining options, this decision usually incorporates, cost, usability and the look of your site. Now you know what design platform you want, you should consider the different pages and styles that you want to implement on your website for the best results.

Although this is not an exhaustive list of available website designs it’s important to consider that these are some of the most commonly used web design platforms so there’s a high chance one of these platforms will meet and exceed all of your requirements.


Wordpress is a popular website design platform that is used by millions of businesses around the world, WordPress has many thrid party plugins that are easy to install and allow you to add a wide range of features to your WordPress website.


Wix is another well know website design platform that promotes a do it yourself type approach, if you need a very basic form of online representation with little or no SEO on your website then Wix is a good option for your business.


Webflow is a great option for businesses that are mainly focused on the design of the website. Webflow allows website designers to create Figma style website without the code you'd require to design a Figma website.


Squarespace is another popular website design platform that is recommended for DIY website designers who require a simple solution to setting up a subscription website for their products or services. It's very similar to Wix but offers less integrations.


Shopify is excellent if you run a ecommerce business and want to focus on sales and SEO, there are many integration and features on Shopify that allow you to boost your sales. market on social media and boos your website SEO performance. Learn more about Shopify here.


Canva is a design service that offers logo, document and various other design templates that help business save time and money. Using Canva if you're looking for a very basic website design with little functionality and SEO capabilities. This will heavily dependant on your business setup.

Frequently Asked Questions

The cost of a website design can vary greatly but as an average figure you should expect to pay anywhere between £750 to £1999 for a good website with SEO, hosting and management. Larger websites with more than 12 pages would cost more.

Choose a reliable website design platform that enables you to achieve all the functions you need your website to achieve. We’d recommend using WordPress if you want your website to achieve multiple functions. 

Kent Webs provide professional website design services for a wide range of industries in Kent, these include construction, plumbing, security, law, cleaning, education and photography. 

Local SEO can help you secure valuable local leads for your business to help it grow quickly in your local area. 

If you’re trying to do your own local SEO you’ll need a quality domain name, website hosting and a quality website builder. You’ll also need a good keyword research tool like Moz.

Paving the way for affordable website design services in Kent

Kent webs aim to provide all business in Kent with an affordable website design service that’s effective in helping you grow and manage your business operations in Kent.

We service a wide range of industries helping provide unique web designs for every sector.

Kent Webs provide professional website design services in Kent, for businesses who want the best online representation for the products and services they offer businesses in Kent. Learn more about the different industries we service and how we can ensure you have the best web design for your business.

Kent Webs offer businesses in Kent the best opportunity to obtain a bespoke, first page website for their businesses, helping them increase their leads and online representation for their business. Having a unique website that stands out will help potential customers recognise your business more and builds more trust, it enables customers to learn more about your business and find useful information for the products and services your business offers the Kent community. If you need a professional web design company in Kent, Kent Webs not only provide you with professional web design services but we also offer a range of marketing and security services to ensure longevity and the continued success of your website and online marketing goals. Use a website design company in Kent you can trust to do a great job for you.

Website Design for Construction

Construction companies can have a wide range of various web design and development requirements due to the different services construction companies provide, we provide professional website design services for construction companies in Kent who require professional website design and development. Learn more or give us a call today.

Website Design for Plumbers

Kent Webs provide professional WordPress website design for plumbers in Kent who need a website that can be found online for the services they provide in Kent. Contact us to learn more about how we can assist you with a professional website design for your plumbing company in Kent and how we can ensure first page results.

Website Design for Lawyers

We help lawyers and solicitors who require professional online representation. Kent Webs offer bespoke WordPress website design and development for lawyers and solicitors in Kent. There's no limit to what we can design or develop for you so whether you require a basic website that can found online or a more complex website we can help.

Website Design for Photographers

Websites are important for photographers in Kent as it helps them to showcase there work and be found online for the services they provide to customers in Kent. If you're a photographer in Kent in need of a website book a consultation with one of our experts and learn more about our website design packages today.

Website Design for Cleaners

Cleaners in Kent need a website so they can be found online for the services they provide in Kent, it's easy to have professional online representation for your cleaning company if you use the right web designers and marketing team. Ask us about our website design services and how can help you today.

Website Design for Tutors

Tutors in Kent require websites to provide online lessons, showcase the various subjects they tutor and to take online payments, having a website can greatly benefit a tutor by helping them secure more leads and look more professional online, if you're a tutor in Kent and require a website designer then contact us today.

Website Design for Electricians

Kent Webs offer professional website design services for electricians in Kent who require a professional website and SEO for their business, our combines experienced enables us to provide quality first page website design and development services for electricians in Kent who need a professional website.

Website Design for Security

Security companies in Kent may require professional website design and development services for their security business in Kent, Kent Webs provide WordPress website design and development for security companies in Kent looking for a quality web designer in Kent for their business.

Website Design for Engineering

Kent Webs offer engineering companies in Kent the opportunity to find new clients and have a professional WordPress website designed for their business, our web design and marketing services enable Engineering companies in Kent to not only increase their leads but have the correct online representation.

We provide website design services in all areas in and around Kent

Kent Webs provide professional website design services in Kent, we provide local website design services in various areas in Kent, including Ashford, Canterbury, Dartford and Dover.

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